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The ProveID Platform is a cost-effective new authentication security paradigm for the healthcare, utilities, manufacturing, financial services and various other industries.

ProveID is an authentication architecture that combines simultaneous cyber and physical authentication and provides “Dynamic Proximity Controls.” It allows secure and effective issuance of cyber and physical privileges with real-time tracking of equipment, gear and devices, as well as workflow process and personnel when required.

The ProveID architecture securely and cost-effectively leverages the entire range of new Internet of things (IoT) technologies, utilizing inexpensively and readily available beacons/listeners, biometrics, fifth generation wearables and smart phones, to give organizations and individuals secure, immediate, convenient, and password-free access to record systems and secured locations.

By eliminating passwords, ProveID removes the danger of exposing network information and allowing access to “bad actors” from phishing and spoofing schemes, hacking, and inadvertent carelessness.

ProveID provides today’s only available complete solution for secure, cost-effective and convenient authentication architecture. Regardless of industry, the need for increased security, both physical and cyber, is paramount.

Sample Application - Healthcare Industry

For example, the workflow process for many medical professionals is overloaded with frequently changing multiple usernames and passwords combinations, some requiring additional multi-factor verification techniques. It is common for a doctor or a nurse to have to juggle 15-20 different username-password combinations, which sometimes require re-entry due to timeouts. A recent internal study, performed at a medium sized hospital (3000+ employees), showed that the on-average time loss to the health care institution, related to ineffective password use, averages from a minimum of 30 minutes up to 120 minutes per 12-hour shift, for nurses, physicians, and other workers that require the use of multiple terminals for their workflow and data entry.

The ProveID architecture is designed to provide the highest level of authentication security in hospitals and clinic networks, and it works with existing shared “kiosk” style terminals, as well as individual PC’s, and tablets. The ProveID architecture is installed as an independent umbrella security layer above the clients existing legacy systems.

A health care industry specific password elimination module (“NoPassM”) can be integrated with MS Active Directory as well as the most common health care Single-Sign-On (SSO) systems, to eliminate the users “knowing their own passwords” for most of the existing legacy systems currently in use by in-patient healthcare facility networks.

By providing secure, HIPAA compliant access and authentication from home, mobile, or remote locations ProveID can be implemented in virtually any setting where access to retrieval, entry, or modification of medical records, lab, x-ray, pharmacy, billing, e-mail, or text messaging is needed.

It’s time for ProveID.